Valentine's Day Heavenly Fare at Stratosfare Restaurant!

by Eijahn
(New Zealand)

Raining, cloudy, with just enough wind to rock the Gondola as we disappeared into The Heavenly "STRATOSFare" (Restaurant).
Lovely warm reception by Rose who had taken our booking and now checked us in, then seated us at our Window Table.

'Cloud-misery' soon lifted, just as Rose said it would. As the cloud lifted it revealed Lake Rotorua in all its beauty then lowered like eyelashes delicately closing before "opening her eyes" again. Amazing what you see from a height above the City.

Scrumptious food of all kinds, all cuisines from different cultures and continents.

I am not going to "steal-their-thunder" by detailing the dishes we individually and collectively sampled, dined on and thoroughly enjoyed.

Beautifully displayed food. That's where you have to "go, see, sample and wine and dine to have the benefit of the full impact of delicious food, beautifully prepared, presented and enjoyed in convivial company. This is one of life's joys to behold and enjoy for yourself, personally.

Dishes replenished discreetly as soon as they started to empty. Waiting Staff discreetly and efficiently, quietly moving among the guests maintaining the high standard that StratosFare is renowned for. No fuss, no hurry, no interruption to a private dinner for two even when empty plates were discreetly cleared away.

A beautiful "repast", as Shakespeare the Bard himself may well have said. Divine, William would have said.

Take my word for it: Dining at STRATOSfare in the evening especially, is an experience not to be missed no matter where you're from.

A special Heads-up to Waitress Margel Mabuhay for her delightful service, discreet persona and attentiveness at our table. 'You, young lady are a delight and a credit to STRATOSFare Restaurant.
Valentines Day 2018.

Restaurant Times & Contact Details

Where: 178 Fairy Springs Road
Prices (inclusive of gondola ride up/down)
Lunch $35 child, $64 adult
Dinner $45 child, $85 adult
Lunch 11:30am-2pm
Dinner 5:30pm-9pm
Ph: +64 7 347 0027

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