A Rotorua Real Estate Agent

One Who Goes The Extra Mile

Needing a Rotorua real estate agent? We get many out-of-town people wanting to relocate to Rotorua or looking for good rental properties. High on the list of priorities then, would be finding a trustworthy real estate agent.

Fiona Marshall - Rotorua real estate agentMeet Fiona

It would have to be someone who knows the local market inside out, who also has a good grasp of what’s happening nationally and globally.

Someone who can advise on all aspects of New Zealand's sales and purchase processes, legalities, areas to buy in, areas to avoid etc. etc.

Someone who can hold your hand throughout it all and allay any fears as much as possible.

Who Do You Call?

I've got the perfect person. I was looking for a Rotorua real estate agent, quite a few years back now, and in the course of conversation with a friend, the name Fiona Marshall came up.

The conversation had been about rental properties in Rotorua because I was interested in buying one, but, I was also a bit leery about it… you know, not sure about all the ins and outs of the Rotorua property market and who I could trust.

Rotorua real estate agent Fiona and Karen Fiona and I at Toastmasters (She's the happy one)

Anyway, my friend said that Fiona was a great Rotorua real estate agent, and bonus, she also had a portfolio of rental properties herself which definitely piqued my interest.

Instead of simply giving her a call I decided to rock on up to an Open Home that she was showing.

Wouldn’t you know it… two ladies there monopolised Fiona’s attention for so long I began to feel like a stalker. When they finally left I got to have a chat with her.

Fiona not only helped me find a rental property, she gave me phone numbers for handymen, painters, plumbers… you name it she had it.

She also advised me where to go for the best deals, who to talk to, who to disregard and so on.

We’ve gone on to become good friends since then and also fellow Toastmasters.

Would I recommend Fiona as a great Rotorua real estate agent?

Heck yes! Without hesitation or reservation.

Coffee at Urbano while discussing the Rotorua property marketThere's always time to catch up for a coffee

The thing is, I see the way she works her butt off for clients (often for no reward), whether it’s people looking for houses for sale in Rotorua or looking to purchase.

With that, I'm always telling her she should be doing this in a place like New York because at least then she'd get the returns she deserves. Bottom line is, Fiona genuinely cares about people and it comes through. Know what I mean?

When you meet her she may appear quiet but once you get to know her you’ll begin to see her quirky nature. Although she doesn't think so, Fiona is a naturally funny person who has us cracking up laughing at our Toastmasters meetings (we're so not a formal group).

A Successful, Friendly, Helping Hand

Fiona got into listing and selling real estate in 2006 with McDowells Real Estate Ltd, part of the nationwide Professionals Group brand (still with them). Since then she has quickly risen above the crowd collecting a number of awards along the way. Runner-up for Top Salesperson in the Waikato/Bay of Plenty, Top 20% in Listings and Sales… Nationally. These awards are an excellent testimonial to her work ethic.

Fiona mainly deals in the residential and investment property areas, and at the Rotorua branch where she works, often tops the office monthly stats as well.

The fact is, we're getting a lot of people relocating to Rotorua... it's the primo lifestyle... and one thing's for sure, you can't go far wrong with using a person like Fiona to help you find your new home.

As I mentioned previously, Fiona is a property investor herself which is great for you if that's your area of interest. We still have great buys here where you can purchase a property and be cash-flow positive right away (not always though).

Keep Up With The Rotorua Property Market

She sends out a weekly email to people interested in the latest listings, and other real estate info. Fill out the form below if you would like to be included on her email list.

If you're looking at other types of real estate opportunities such as business, commercial or even renting, no problem, she can soon put you on to the right people.

Fiona has a formidable network of contacts, partly with being involved in the business and property investors communities, and partly because she is a great peoples person.

Got a property related question or problem? If Fiona can't answer your questions she's straight on her phone (that’s her office... so stop calling when I’m with her please) finding the answer or solution.

If you would like to contact Fiona and ask her ANYTHING about Rotorua propety, fill in the form below and hit the Send button. She'll get back to you asap. You may also want to visit her business Facebook Page too.

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