Key New Zealand information to access emergency services, public holidays, driving etc… includes points for Rotorua.
Get your questions answered. Like, where do I go to for medical help, is my Driver Licence valid in NZ, how do I keep myself safe?
NB: An * denotes Information relating generally to NZ and more specifically to Rotorua TOP
Hopefully not but just in case you do end up ill or injured there are a couple of places where you can receive help.
In the first instance, if its not serious enough to warrant hospitalisation try Lakes Primecare situated towards the lake end of the city. They are an Accident & Urgent Medical Care Centre owned and operated by Rotorua's general practioners. You don't need an appointment and there are upfront costs involved.
Lakes Primecare
cnr Arawa & Tutanekai Sts
Ph 24hrs 348 1000
Hrs 8.00am - 10.00pm daily
Adjoining Lakes Primecare is the Lakescare Pharmacy where you can get prescriptions filled straight away.
Lakescare Pharmacy
cnr Arawa & Tutanekai Sts
Ph 348 4385
Hrs 8.30am - 9.30pm daily
If things are more serious you had better get along to our local hospital.
Rotorua Hospital
Pukeroa St
Ph 24hrs 348 1199
Patient Enquiries Ph 349 7977 8am - 4.30pm
Visiting hours are 2pm - 8pm daily
Tip - If you injure yourself in anyway while here you're covered by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). They provide no-fault personal injury cover for all New Zealand residents and visitors to New Zealand.
This includes accident-related costs such as medical transfer by ambulance or helicopter, surgery, hospital stay and rehabilitation. Be aware though, this only applies while you are in New Zealand.
If it's an illness you are dealing with then your medical insurance will kick in. You've got it right? Right. Here's crossing fingers you don't need these services
You will find these dotted handily all around the city, and New Zealand generally. They are at all the major supermarkets, outlying shopping centres, banks, and petrol stations. The ATMs accept most major credit/debit cards. If you stop anyone - apart from a tourist that is - they will readily point you in the right direction to find an ATM.
Local NZ currency is the New Zealand dollar. $1.00 = 100cents. We have coins of 10, 20 and 50 cents. Notes are 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollars. When using cash the total amount is rounded up or down because the smallest coin is 10 cents. For example 57 cents is rounded to 60 cents or 54 cents is rounded to 50 cents.
This section is a blend of New Zealand information on dressing as well as Rotorua. We are a pretty casual lot when it comes to dressing although I would say that this is the case worldwide now.
In Rotorua tidy casual seems to be the main uniform when eating at the majority of cafe bars and restaurants. A few may be a bit more upmarket so just check prior to going. If you're already out and about just enquire at the door. Rotorua eateries are well used to tourists and visitors passing by and popping in for a meal.
If you are in the bigger centers like Auckland there is more scope for a nightlife therefore the chance to dress up a bit more. When my 23yr old daughter lived in Auckland they would dress up to go nightclubbing. Back in Rotorua that same outfit would make her feel overdressed.
GST is added onto pretty much everything we buy or use in New Zealand. At this point in time it is 15%. Sellers are legally obliged to advertise the fact that a product or service price does not include GST.
Tip: As an international traveller, if you buy from a duty free
store, you won't have to pay GST if:
Keep this in the back of your mind when considering costlier
purchases. The cost of GST could quite possibly outweigh shipping or
postal costs.
Ask the retailer to help you out.
New Zealand information relating to emergency services is standard nationwide.
Phone 111 for Ambulance, Fire, Police and Civil Defence. For Rescue Services and Gas emergencies, use 111 as well but ask for Police. The Deaf emergency textphone (TTY) number is 0800 16 16 16. This only applies to Ambulance, Fire and Police.
Contact details for non-urgent calls can be found in the local White Pages telephone directory. The White Pages also have details for animal emergencies, railway emergencies, electric power line faults, poisons and hazardous chemicals at the National Poisons Centre etc.
You can drive in New Zealand if you hold a driver licence from another country - and it's valid of course - or if you have an International Driving Permit (IDP).
With the IDP you still have to carry your current Driver Licence. Don't be confused by the term 'Driving Permit' if that is how your licence is termed in your country. An IDP is totally different.
If your Driver Licence is in a foreign language you have to obtain an authorised translation.
It is a legal requirement to carry your Driver Licence at all times when you are driving here. You can be fined if you do not have it.
In New Zealand we drive a bit different from some countries. We also have some different road rules too so Click this link to leave New Zealand Information and go to the New Zealand Transport Agency and get the booklet download "Driving In NZ". A lot of good information is available on that page for visitors.
Rotorua gets super busy on holiday weekends. There always seems to be event/s on at these times so booking in advance is a good idea.
Something else to consider is the possibility of stocking up on food
etc. prior to arriving. The supermarkets become a nightmare, and you
don't really want to be spending a lot of time in them while on holiday
do you? There is far too much else to be seeing and doing.
New Zealand Public Holidays | 2025 | 2026 | 2024 |
New Year's Day | Wed 1 Jan | Thu 1 Jan | Mon 1 Jan |
Day after NY Day | Thu 2 Jan | Fri 2 Jan | Tue 2 Jan |
Waitangi Day | Thu 6 Feb | Fri 6 Feb | Tue 6 Feb |
Good Friday | Fri 18 Apr | Fri 3 Apr | Fri 29 Mar |
Easter Monday | Mon 21 Apr | Mon 6 Apr | Mon 1 Apr |
Anzac Day | Fri 25 Apr | Sat 25 Apr¹ | Thu 25 Apr |
King's Birthday | Mon 2 Jun | Mon 1 Jun | Mon 3 Jun |
Matariki | Fri 20 Jun | Fri 10 Jul | Mon 3 Jun |
Labour Day | Mon 27 Oct | Mon 26 Oct | Mon 28 Oct |
Christmas Day | Thu 25 Dec | Fri 25 Dec | Wed 25 Dec |
Boxing Day | Fri 26 Dec | Sat 26 Dec¹ | Thu 26 Dec |
(1) observed on the following Monday if it falls on a Saturday or Sunday.
(2) observed the following Monday if it falls on a Saturday or Tuesday if it falls on a Sunday.
This is one further holiday observed annually - on different days depending on the region.
Area | 2025 | 2026 | 2024 |
Auckland | Mon 27 Jan | Mon 26 Jan | 29 Jan |
Canterbury | Fri 14 Nov | Fri 13 Nov | 15 Nov |
Sth Canterbury | Mon 22 Sep | Mon 28 Sep | 23 Sep |
Chatham Is | Mon 1 Dec | Mon 30 Nov | 2 Dec |
Hawkes Bay | Fri 24 Oct | Fri 23 Oct | 25 Oct |
Marlborough | Mon 3 Nov | Mon 2 Nov | 04 Nov |
Nelson | Mon 3 Feb | Mon 2 Feb | 29 Jan |
Otago | Mon 24 Mar | Mon 23 Mar | 25 Mar |
Southland | Tue 22 Apr | Tue 7 Apr | 02 Apr |
Taranaki | Mon 10 Mar | Mon 9 Mar | 11 Mar |
Wellington | Mon 20 Jan | Mon 19 Jan | 22 Jan |
Westland | Mon 1 Dec | Mon 30 Nov | 2 Dec |
Source of information is Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment Public Holiday Dates
New Zealand information for school holidays: There is an approximate date for the end of the year as schools have a choice when it comes to both the beginning and end of year. There is standardised amount of days they have to be open which they have control over. Additionally, high schools have some longer holiday periods.
December closing dates should be no later than the 20th for the three years in the graph below.
Term Holidays | 2025 | 2026 | 2024 |
End of Term 1 | Apr 12 - Apr 27 | Apr 03 - Apr 19 | Apr 13 - Apr 28 |
End of Term 2 | Jul 28 - Jul 13 | Jul 04 - Jul 19 | Jul 06 - Jul 21 |
End of Term 3 | Sep 20 - Oct 5 | Sep 26 - Oct 11 | Sep 28 - Oct 13 |
End of Term 4 | Dec 20 - 5-6 wks | Dec 20 - 5-6 wks | Dec 20 - 5-6 wks |
Source of information is MOE - School Terms and Holidays
Although New Zealand is a relatively safe place to visit it still doesn't hurt to be safety conscious. Having spent seventeen plus years in the police force here I have seen my share of visitors get ripped off, assaulted etc. I don't want that to be you.
Here's the reality. If your motel room/vehicle gets cleaned out,
including your travel documents, you are stuck. You will spend hours in
the police station, sometimes days, trying to arrange new passports,
tickets etc. It's doubly worse when there are language barriers. The
poor visitor quite often ends up shattered with their mementos gone,
photos gone, everything gone.
Once again, I don't want that to be you. The NZ Police website has
indepth New Zealand information for travellers. It includes keeping safe
on roads, personally, outdoors, possessions, cards and identity, text
messaging and alcohol. I couldn't write it any clearer than what they
have so click this link New Zealand Information- Visitor Safety in NZ to be taken to their page.
2 years on from the beginning of Covid, the face of Rotorua has changed a lot. Fenton Street, which is made up of motels, many of which are providing emergency housing, evidences this with a huge rise in social problems: alcohol, drugs, fighting, domestic violence and other crime. Permanent security guards are required to try and keep the low-lifes under control, and to protect the good ones amongst them. Police are constantly attending incidents at one or the other.
Those problems also spread into the inner city. It's safe to say you have to be aware of your surroundings at all times.
I don't know if and when we will get our city back but I sure hope it's soon.
CCTV cameras are positioned throughout the city. These are monitored a
big part of the time by volunteers. If they see anything going down, the
boys and girls in blue are off.
For a total about face, something else to be aware of that's peculiar to
Rotorua is the thermal. It's all around us here so it pays to stay to
the tracks. Our council does a good job in signposting the different
areas but you never know where a new hole is going to pop up.
Another about face and it's not about safety as such. Any silver
jewellery you have will tarnish here with the sulphur in the air. I gave
up on wearing silver and just use stainless steel or white gold now. I
couldn't stand all the cleaning.
Tipping is not a normal practice in New Zealand. Unlike the USA,
employees here receive a full wage and shouldn't have to rely on tips to
I did go to a cafe in Auckland recently though, and when I went to pay
by EFT-POS the machine said, 'do you want to enter a Tip amount.' That
got right up my nose straight away.
If I think that I have been on the receiving end of spectacular service I
probably would leave a tip. But to be asked for it. That's a no-no in
my book.
You will probably notice - especially with cafes - money jars for leaving tips which is up to the individual, no pressure.
New Zealand has a great community of volunteers who provide support to
crime or trauma victims. This 24/7 service applies to both NZ locals and
visitors alike.
Click to see the support services they provide which include practical and also financial assistance.
For such a tiny little country - we're only 1600km long - New Zealand
sure knows how to pack things in and that includes our NZ weather and
At the top of the North Island (Te Ika-a-Māui) we have a sub-tropical
climate right down to the sudden downpours with the hot steamy
Contrast that with the South Island (Te Wai Pounamu) where we still have
glaciers and fiords and you can see that the weather in New Zealand
operates at both ends of the scale.
What I find crazy is that the worlds' weather along with earthquakes and volcanoes seems to be getting topsy-turvy. Nowadays, places in the supposed colder South Island seem to get the higher temperatures in the summer whereas it used to be up North. It gets up to 35℃ (95℉) in Alexandra, Central Otago, with lows of -6℃ (21℉) in the winter.
You will find a lot of New Zealand information telling you that this is a land of contrasts and that you can easily get the four seasons in one day. Bottom line, be prepared for anything.
The Met Service provides in-depth weather reporting on NZ weather forecasts, tides, snow reports, radar maps and NZ weather maps.
If you are here for anything to do with water activities they also have a section on the marine weather forecast. Information is included for both coastal marine and recreational (lakes etc).
Additionally, clicking this link, Rotorua Weather will give you further Rotorua specific weather information.
If there is anything I have missed in general New Zealand Information feel free to use my
Contact Me Form
with your question/s.