All About Me
...Rotorua Travel Secrets

Kia Ora, hello and welcome to this page that's supposed to be All About Me. Let me begin by introducing you to some of the whanau (family). We were playing with the time delay on a camera one Christmas in this pic.

All about me - Photo with some of the family

Rear left begins with my mum Mavis, nephew James with the dog Koosh who has sadly passed away since, sister-in-law Linda, her mum Rose and my daughter Elise.

Front row features one of my brothers by the name of Dean (he's the mouthy one in the family), me and then my niece Kerry.

It's kind of spooky how things begin to happen once a decision is made isn't it? Like when I decided to create this website about Rotorua.

It seems like everything just fell into place. I began attracting people, information, ideas, it's all been coming at me left, right and centre.

I am in one of the local Toastmaster groups and one of the ladies there by the name of Julie is a docent (that's the politically correct term for a professional museum guide) at the Rotorua Museum of Art And History.

Knowing that I have recently finished work as a police officer she is bound and determined to fill my time up - grrr. She asked if I would be interested in training to be a docent so I said yes, thinking I could learn more about Rotorua for my website. I know, it's all about me… but that's part of my plan because it's all about you too. We both win, how's that?

What I am getting the most out of this training is an even deeper appreciation for Rotorua. I love this town to bits as it is and am always spouting off about the virtues. Like the biking and walking, the lakes etc so I can see me becoming unbearable with all this new-found knowledge. I am absolutely fascinated with what I am learning and hopefully I can pass this fascination on to you.

As a little example, now I really, really, REALLY know that I am living smack-dab on top of a volcano. Yep, you read that right. And I don't know if it's a good thing or not knowing that. I think with being born here and growing up here you just know this stuff so you don't get the... I don't know the word to describe it, maybe the realness of it. We're blase about it, that's probably better. I mean, it's normal for me to be walking in amongst bubbling hot mud pools but now I'm aware that it's not for most people.

Elise On Mt Vesuvius/All About Me - Elise On Mt Vesuvius

What a hoot, I just realised that I paid thousands of dollars to go to Italy to climb Mt Vesuvius - that's my daughter Elise on Mt Vesuvius - and here I am sitting on top of and surrounded by volcanoes galore in Rotorua. For free. Don't let that put you off coming though, we're not likely to blow up any time soon and it's so gorgeous here it would be a shame to miss it. Really!

Rotorua is THE tourist mecca in New Zealand. In fact this was where New Zealand tourism began back in the 1800's. That's one of the things I learned in my docent training so it's already coming in handy.

The more I am delving for my website the more I am wanting to know in order to pass it on. It MUST add to the value a person gets out of a trip wouldn't you think? It's like my ears are hyper-sensitive now. Every little tidbit I get I am filing it away in my head until I can get to my laptop.

I do hope that you get a lot out of visiting my site and when you actually come visit, who knows, we may very well run into each other. If you're out in the forest or visit the museum watch out for the tall, skinny person wearing glasses, that'll be me and I would love to meet you to say hello.


PS. If you are coming soon and want to know anything about Rotorua in advance please feel free to use my Contact Me page with your query.

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