Tasty Rotorua Dining

Don't know where to eat? Check These Out.

How about trying this simple Rotorua Dining Guide. It features a tasty selection of cafes, pubs, restaurants and takeaways frequented by locals. My family, friends and I have eaten at a lot of different places here over the years and we tend to stick to our favourites… as you do huh?

Rotorua Dining - Cake selectionEating out in Rotorua

The dining here is fairly casual on the most part. This is no doubt due to the volume of visitors who are here not only for the tourism aspect but also for sports related events.

After a long day of seeing, playing and doing, who wants to go all out with dressing up? I know I don't. A pair of jeans and a tidy top. That's a bit of me, nice and relaxing.

Throughout the following pages you will find that the dollar signs indicate a general price structure:

$ Cheaper

$$ Middle of the road

$$$ More Expensive.

Rotorua Dining - Eat StreetDining out in Rotorua at Eat Streat

What you won't find on these pages are all the chain types of restaurants, like the McDonald's, the Subways, Burger King, Wendy's etc. No doubt you'll trip over them without my help needed.

Rotorua Cafes

Rotorua Cafes - The cafe culture is alive and thriving in Rotorua with a number of them being quite funky and quirky.

I find that quite a few are a blend between a restaurant and a cafe so you should check out the restaurant page as well. Read more >>

Arawa Fine Wines (gone now)Enjoy your Rotorua dining experience with a last minute purchase from Arawa Fine Wines on Eat Streat

Rotorua Pubs

There are some great Rotorua Pubs that serve up hearty meals along with full-bodied ales and lots of friendly banter. What more could you ask for?

We'll be looking at two local favourites. The Pig & Whistle and Hennessy's Irish Bar. Read more >>

Lady Janes Ice Cream ParlourAnother Rotorua dining experience. Lady Janes Ice Cream Parlour at the lake end of town

Rotorua Restaurants

Put this sampling of Rotorua Restaurants to the test, I'm sure at least one of them will appeal... and have you going back for more.

We've got quite a few restaurants, some are good, some not so good. I notice that even the majority of the ones that I write about have the odd bad review. I suppose it's all on the day as with most eating places. Read more >>

Rotorua Takeaways

If you want a simple meal of fish & chips or chinese then these businesses in and near the inner city should suffice.

There is only one that stays open late (To 4am Fri & Sat and 11.30pm the rest of the week) so I have put that in as well - for all you late night revelers. Read more >>

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