The Major Rotorua Supermarkets

Rotorua Supermarkets - Arriving in a strange city not knowing where the supermarkets are can be a real pain in the butt.

In Rotorua we have three major supermarket chains. They are Pak n Save and Countdown (2 stores) in the inner city, New World and a third Countdown further out in the suburbs.

Do you want value for money, presentation, quality, service or handiness to your accommodation?

All the supermarkets provide varying fuel discounts depending on what is purchased if you are in the market for that.

Pak n Save (100% NZ Owned)

Rotorua Supermarkets - Pak n Save

Pak n Save Supermarket has a policy of New Zealand's lowest food prices. Can it be substantiated? Yes, and in the last 10 or so years they have been able to keep it up.

It's 'No Frills' as the name implies. Take your own bag or you will have to pay, and you've got to pack them yourself.

You also have to put up with trollies being in the way and people stocking the shelves throughout the day.

Pak n Save doesn't carry as wide a range of products as the other supermarkets.

Cnr Fenton & Amohau Sts

Hours: 7.30am - 10pm, 7 days a week

Fuel Discounts: Yes, onsite petrol station

Website: Check out this weeks specials here.

Woolworths - Previously Countdown

Woolworths is owned by Woolworths New Zealand, which in turn are a subsidiary of Australian based Woolworths Group Ltd.

Rotorua has one Woolworths store in the inner city. A second store is located further out of town.

As far as prices go, they are more expensive than Pak n Save.

Rotorua Supermarkets - Countdown

I notice that meat prices for example, are more expensive than Pak n Save but the portion sizes are larger. The chops and steaks are a lot thicker and the presentation overall is better.

Another point in their favour is that the suppliers of perishable food have to be approved with regular food safety assessments. That's good for the customer isn't it?

246 Fenton St, or 54 Fairy Springs Road

Hours: 7am - 10pm, 7 days a week

Website: Check out the current specials.

Fuel Discounts: Yes, although there are no petrol stations on site.

New World (100% NZ Owned)

Rotorua Supermarkets - New World

It's purely my impression that New World is the most expensive Rotorua supermarket. In saying that though, the quality of food and service is great.

Each store is owned by a franchisee so the owners have a vested interest in offering the best they can.

New World, at least our store, seems to be more personal, maybe because it isn't as big as the first two supermarkets.

New World, together with Pak n Save, are part of New Zealand's largest grocery distribution company, Foodstuffs, also New Zealand owned.

247 Old Taupo Road

Hours: 7.30am - 9pm, 7 days a week

Website: Check out this week's specials here.

Fuel Discounts: Yes, onsite petrol station

Find Rotorua Supermarkets on Google Maps

This map will make it easier to see where the supermarkets are in relation to your accommodation. Open up to the larger map if you want to enter the address of your accommodation, then zoom out to view the supermarkets nearby.

Check out more shopping options like Souvenirs, our Mall, or Markets pages.

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