Rotorua Day Trips

If you're reading this it means you're being redirected to an updated version of this page. I know, annoying, right?

I created this page you're on when I wasn't too au fait with all the shenanigans that go into building a website. Of course I just presumed that Rotorua Day Trips meant people wanting to know about taking day trips OUT of Rotorua. Not even! Silly me. People wanted to know about day trips IN to Rotorua. And you know how it is when a page doesn't give you what you want. :(

So, if you're up for learning about Day Trips From Rotorua, allow the page to continue to redirect you. Alternatively use the top, side or bottom navigation areas if you're after something else.

Thanks for your patience.

Rotorua Travel Planning Quicklinks

Rotorua Travel Planning Quicklinks